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Developing Communication Protocols in Case of a Breach


Developing Secure Communication Protocols to Assist in Reducing Risk of Data Breaches

Business leaders understand that security breaches are an unavoidable part of doing business in today’s digital world. However, with the right prevention and response protocols in place, companies can limit the potential damage that may occur as a result of any incident. One of the most important steps businesses must take is to develop effective communication protocols that ensure the appropriate employees and stakeholders are alerted when needed and that any necessary reports are filed quickly and accurately.

Alerting the Appropriate Employees and Stakeholders

When it comes to dealing with security incidents, time is of the essence; quick action is essential for preventing or limiting any potential damage. That’s why businesses must have communication protocols in place that enable them to notify key personnel immediately after a suspected breach has occurred. Depending on the specific incident, this could mean alerting IT staff members who will be responsible for actively investigating and resolving issues as well as informing other stakeholders, such as customers, suppliers, contractors, etc., when necessary.

It’s also important to make sure all personnel involved in the process—from IT staff to senior executives—have clear roles assigned. Hence, everyone knows what their responsibilities are if an incident occurs. Companies should also ensure these roles are regularly reviewed and updated whenever needed to account for any changes or improvements that can be made going forward.

A checklist to support your company with alerting employees and stakeholders, as well as keep assigned roles organized and available to all can include the following.

  • Identify the type of breach that has occurred to determine the appropriate security protocols to put in place for remediation and for alerting employees and stakeholders.
  • Next, gather all relevant information, which includes the date and time of the breach, as well as any details about how it occurred.
  • Review who else needs to be alerted about the breach in addition to employees and stakeholders. All individuals and companies who may be affected by the breach, including third and fourth parties.
  • Track the type of methodology you use to alert everyone about the breach. These can include email, text message, phone call or any other method of communication that is deemed appropriate.

Reporting Incidents To Law Enforcement When Necessary

Depending on the severity of the incident, businesses may need to report cases involving security breaches to law enforcement authorities when necessary. Companies should consult local laws regarding reporting requirements prior to taking any action, but typically relevant incidents, such as those involving fraud or theft, must be reported irrespective of jurisdiction. It’s vital for companies to have appropriate procedures in place so they can comply with all applicable regulations and protect themselves from any legal ramifications or penalties should they fail to do so.

In order to ensure accurate record-keeping during these situations, businesses should document all steps taken by relevant personnel who responded to the incident, including any communications sent out, as well as investigate whether additional measures could have been taken beforehand in order to prevent similar instances from happening again in future instances.

How you document reporting breaches is important if you need to present the records to a authorities or other business partners, even third-parties could request information regarding breaches incurred by your business.

A checklist to keep you on track with reporting incidents can include the following.

  • Choose how to document record keeping.
  • Choose who keeps the records.
  • Have a hierarchy of who has access to the records.
  • Have a team, in case the lead of record-keeping can’t fulfill tasks for unforeseen circumstances.

Overall, having an effective communication plan is vital for business leaders who want to stay on top of potential security threats and prevent major incidents from occurring within their organization’s infrastructure. By alerting appropriate personnel promptly, having assigned roles ready ahead of time, and filing reports when necessary, companies can better protect themselves while showing their commitment to staying compliant with all applicable laws and regulations surrounding cybersecurity practices.

Schedule your free consultation if you need help: https://ncxgroup.com/

Photo courtesy of alphaspirit.it