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Can You Trust Your Security to the Cloud

Can You Trust Your Security to the Cloud – At Least Not Yet Companies that have launched their data into the cloud might be doing so at a greater cost than what they hope to save. The lure of IT cost savings provided by cloud computing becomes a strong incentive in...

Nasdaq Breach – Another Warning to CEOs

Nasdaq Breach – Another Warning to CEOs to Enhance Security Although there are some breaches companies can’t prepare for, this breach appears to be a case of lapsed security. The breached system at Nasdaq, so far, was tied to Directors Desk, a web-based service tool...

December 2008

If your Internet provider filters incoming e-mail, please add ncxgroup.com to your list of approved senders to make sure you receive NCX Group Security Updates. TIS THE SEASON  FOR SCRUTINIZING INFORMATION SECURITY As CEO of NCX Group, I wish you and your family a...

November 2008

If your Internet provider filters incoming e-mail, please add ncxgroup.com to your list of approved senders to make sure you receive NCX Group Security Updates. TOUGH ECONOMIC TIMES FOSTER INSIDER THREATS If your company is laying off employees, changing compensation...