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How to improve cloud security and third-party risk management

How to improve cloud security and third-party risk management

The Equifax data breach of 143 million US consumers is a clear example that cybersecurity threats are real, and that the stakes for businesses have never been higher. When risks don’t get addressed immediately, this makes it even more likely to become another Equifax breach, or think of the SolarWinds incident.  All cyber-attacks are damaging to people and the business that gets hit. 

A simple three step guide to creating an incident response plan

A simple three step guide to creating an incident response plan

When businesses neglect to create an incident response plan and they are forced into action due to a security incident, they find themselves inadequately prepared and taking the wrong steps. In this blog post we’ll discuss three simple steps you can take to build an incident response plan that will help your company be prepared for any security incident that may happen.

3 tips on how to better handle remote working cybersecurity risks

3 tips on how to better handle remote working cybersecurity risks

With the increase in remote working, organizations need to be better prepared for cybersecurity risks and vulnerabilities. This means many things, but above all, when focusing on the remote workforce, it means training employees, analyzing software, and ensuring antivirus solutions are deployed on all devices.

Best cybersecurity practices for your remote workforce

Best cybersecurity practices for your remote workforce

Cybersecurity real talk: You train, you give rules, and you understand the habits so that you can break the bad habits in time as you integrate and substitute with cybersecurity culture practices that you make a constant through business day-to-day operational habits. A simple break-down with best cybersecurity practices in mind are the following steps.