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Why cyber threat hunting is a must for your cybersecurity posture

Why cyber threat hunting is a must for your cybersecurity posture

Organizations have a lot on their hands when it comes to managing cybersecurity risks. There’s always some new threat to deal with; but luckily, there are also a number of ways organizations can combat these threats. One of these ways, somewhat lesser known, but that is gaining momentum, is cyber threat hunting.

Going beyond average cybersecurity

Going beyond average cybersecurity

Talking about cybersecurity in a way that makes clear its value to CEOs isn’t always easy; but it’s not impossible. CIOs know this challenge all too well; and while you can break it down to show business KPIs (key performance indicators) or the ROI (return on investment) that you get from cybersecurity, or the costs per breached record and the amount of downtime that follows an attack; an actual scenario could be more helpful.