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How to improve cloud security and third-party risk management

How to improve cloud security and third-party risk management

The Equifax data breach of 143 million US consumers is a clear example that cybersecurity threats are real, and that the stakes for businesses have never been higher. When risks don’t get addressed immediately, this makes it even more likely to become another Equifax breach, or think of the SolarWinds incident.  All cyber-attacks are damaging to people and the business that gets hit. 

4 ways to improve cloud information security

4 ways to improve cloud information security

Taking advantage of the enterprise operations benefits that come with the cloud doesn’t have to come at a price. A look at practical information security steps helps businesses to overcome the security obstacles that continue to hinder cloud adoption…

Insights to improve your information security posture in 2014

Insights to improve your information security posture in 2014

Every business that uses the internet, has online data, and adopts other technologies used in a corporate environment needs to be concerned with their security posture. Here are some information security areas healthcare professionals and business executives alike can expect to need to continuously work on in 2014 to improve their security efforts.