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Insights to improve your information security posture in 2014

Insights to improve your information security posture in 2014

Every business that uses the internet, has online data, and adopts other technologies used in a corporate environment needs to be concerned with their security posture. Here are some information security areas healthcare professionals and business executives alike can expect to need to continuously work on in 2014 to improve their security efforts.

How businesses can save on breach costs

How businesses can save on breach costs

There’s a great deal of talk when it comes to breach. Whether breach occurs due to human error or network vulnerabilities it is costly for organizations. Businesses get hurt financially and lose trust. So, how can you reduce breach costs?

Improving communication with leadership to keep your infosec strong

Improving communication with leadership to keep your infosec strong

To be successful in any endeavor a business must have fluid and good communication. Communication brings knowledge, awareness and understanding. Without the three, improvements can not be made. This criterion applies to all aspects of your business, including information security. So, what are the leadership problems with communication and full comprehension when it comes to information security?