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Reducing infosec costs and breach with continuous monitoring

Reducing infosec costs and breach with continuous monitoring

Do you know what happens when organizations opt to regularly monitor their networks to check the system’s security on an ongoing basis? Find three results from continuous monitoring that all business owners and executives will appreciate; as well as how an enterprise can implement continuous monitoring effectively.

The Watch Dog Report – Business Continuity 101

Interview with NCX Group’s own and Business Continuity Institute Fellow Doug Weldon, is from the Best of The Watchdog Report. During the interview we discuss the importance of Business Continuity in addressing Information Risk Management. By the end of this...

The WatchDog Report – InfoSec in 16 Minutes

In this episode we touch on many of the key points of information risk with Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack, Former ACE Hardware CIO, Paul Ingveldson, SR. VP. of InfoSec, Bill Stevenson and leading Data Security Researcher Dr. Larry Ponemon. By the end of this interview...
How Katrina Changed Business Continuity Planning

How Katrina Changed Business Continuity Planning

It’s been seven years since Hurricane Katrina changed the lives of Gulf Coast residents on August 29, 2005. The aftermath of Katrina left thousands homeless. But, it also created chaos among businesses located in the areas affected by the storm. Now, here we...